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Esotica Pet Show Italia 2018 Here all the dates!!!

This year the Exotica Pet Show Italy 2018 will take place on 24-25 February 2018 in the location of Arezzo Fiere, 7-8 April in Erba (Milan) and 1st-2nd December in Montichiari (Brescia).

As always, the section that interests us is the Acquariology as we see there will be:

Over 200 display tanks that will host, for all fans and newcomers, the DISCUS: the king of tropical freshwater aquariums. There will be particular specimens from the latest selections up to the most classic and immortal Red turquoise.

On the scene also the beauty queens: the Caridine from the most sought after with the bright colors up to the ancestral tigers and the common Red crystal. The small, easy-maintenance aquariums are perfect for hosting these fascinating creatures. Discover them in Esotika there will be over 2000 specimens on display.
In addition to the fish will also be exposed corals and marine fish.

In addition to tropical fish, Red Carpe KOi fish and Japanese gardens

Are you sure to know the goldfish? we believe no, we offer it in all colors. Esotika does not leave you dry-mouthed; extraordinary fish on display.

Dont’ miss it!!!


Felice Panico
Acquariofilo dall'età di 10 anni con esperienza in acquariologia dolce,marina e salmastra, appassionato di immersioni subacquee e di microscopia.

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