(Italiano) Come costruire un acquario di legno e vetroresina Parte 3
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Reportage: 1st National Malawi Italia Meeting and Azunga Fish Convention 17-18 March 2018 Livorno
After the 1st National Malawi Italy Meeting and the 1st Azunga Fish Convention held in Livorno, we have only to draw conclusions. The day on Saturday was dedicated entirely to the gathering of fans in the first place at the greenhouse of the guys of Azunga Fish and then […]
Happy Easter
All Staff of Vita di Barriera wishes everyone in our readers a Happy Easter and a happy Monday Easter !!
Azunga Fish Livorno nuova realtà sul mercato di Ciclidi africani
Appassionati di Malawi ci presentiamo!! Finalmente abbiamo coronato il nostro sogno nel cassetto di mettere in piedi una attività di importazione,riproduzione e vendita di ciclidi del lago . Siamo fondamentalmente dei veri acquariofili ,quindi il nostro obiettivo sarà in primis di rispondere alle esigenze dei nostri clienti mettendo a disposizione esperienza,professionalità e i ciclidi Malawi […]
Aquarium Show 2018 in Milan from 23rd to 25th March 1°Ed
From 23rd to 25th March 2018 in Milan at the MiCo-Fieramilanocity will be held the first edition of the international fair of aquariums and ornamental fish will be held. Aquarium is the new big event dedicated to tropical sweet and marine fish, aquatic plants and marsh, corals, invertebrates, caridine and much more, and will take […]
Data Sheet: Zebrasoma Flavescens “Yellow Tang”
DATA SHEET Scientific name: Zebrasoma Flavescens Common name: Yellow Tang Taxonomic classification Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Subclass: Neopterygii Order: Perciformes Suborder: Acanthuroidei Family: Acanthuridae Genus: Zebrasoma Species: Flavescens Description: Zebrasoma Flavescens has a flattened oval shape, a small, elongated mouth with chisel-shaped teeth that uses to swell algae from the rocky surface, the dorsal fin and the anal extend over a large […]
Esotica Pet Show Italia 2018 Here all the dates!!!
This year the Exotica Pet Show Italy 2018 will take place on 24-25 February 2018 in the location of Arezzo Fiere, 7-8 April in Erba (Milan) and 1st-2nd December in Montichiari (Brescia). As always, the section that interests us is the Acquariology as we see there will be: Over 200 display tanks that will host, […]
1st National Malawi Italy Meeting and Azunga Fish Convention 17-18 March 2018 Livorno
March 17 and March 2018 in Livorno at the Azunga Fish greenhouse in via G. La Pira n ° 1 Cap 57121 will be held the first National Meeting Malawi Italy and on the occasion of the 1st Congress Azunga Fish with the patronage of the Italian Association Cyclidophils – AIC and by Melani Vivai […]
First meeting A.I.C. of 2018 in Bussolengo on February 25th
The first AIC meeting of 2018 will be held on February 25th. It will be held in Bussolengo (Verona) at the Flover Garden store that has become available for the organization. The speaker is the partner Tommaso Gasperini who will tell about his two trips on Lake Malawi to discover the cichlids of this lake. […]